Wednesday 16 February 2011

Double Page Spread Analysis 2: NME

The head line of the Double page spread is very effective as it shows us some very good use of artistic values. for example the use of newspaper cutting letters is very attractive to the reader as they like something that sticks out. The use of Black and white conveys a coolness and uniqueness as the two colours contrast and bring the best views of the the double page spread. the colour scheme in the spread is simple. the use of the three primary colours red black and white adds to the realism of the spread. making the spread more easily read by an audience

The picture of Lily Allen covers the whole of the right hand side of the page meaning that she is meant to be the main focus of the whole article, leaving the left page for all of the text which the audience would presumably read about. The article is started off with a drop capital the significance of this would mean that it addresses the audience directly. The text is in four same sized columns separated by gutters so that tyhe reader doesn't get easily bored. the form of address is peer to peer, again showing that this magazine is aimed at teenagers.

 the model Lily Allen's clothes match the colour scheme of the feature, her tartan shirt shows masculinity and that she is more masculine than feminine. She's stood with her hands on her hips presumably she is frustrated and trying to get her point across to the audience, however her wrists are pointing up to show the reader her tattoo. This shows her to be quite rebellious. She is looking directly at the reader connoting that she's strong and demanding attention it also shows a technicallity in the music world and that they do enjoy the things normal people.
 The name of the magazine is in the house style font and colour as it always is whilst the date is in a smaller font and is in italic. This helps to create a house style which is the magazine's design that distinguishes it from the other music magazines. The picutre credits are written in a small sized font, in bold at the side of the body copy. The by-line is written at the side of the head line in the same style as the main coverline and Lily Allen's name.

Overall the double page spread is very effective as it shows us the interest in modern day articles. the editor has obviously gone for a technical casual approach to show that the modenr era needs to be satisfied.

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